Chaplain At Work In Kenya

By Fr. Jerome Cayetano svd

Bishops Cornelius Kipng’eno Arap Korir, the bishops of the Diocese of Eldoret, had made an urgent appeal to the SVD Superior in Rome to send a missionary to help out in the chaplaincy work of his diocese several years ago. His request was finally granted and Fr. Jerome Cayetano was sent to Kenya in 1996.

I started my chaplaincy work at Moi University (Chepkoilel Campus) and Eldoret Medical Department in February of 1996. Fr. Crowley, the part-time chaplain of these institutions for four years, gave me a good orientation before I began my new assignment.

Moi University has approximately 1, 500 students, about 500 of whom are Catholics and members of the Catholic Students Association (CSA), while the latter Eldoret Medical Department has 200 students of whom 70 are Catholics. This figure reflects the same percentage of Catholics in Kenya. There are 29 million here in Kenya, only 29%, of the people are Catholics. However, the Catholic Church in Kenya is promising by the fact that infant and adult baptism was increased considerably, new dioceses have been created and vocations to the religious life are always on the rise.

I am directly involved in the Catholic Students Association. My primary concern is to provide the spiritual and pastoral needs of the students. I usually meet the students at 7:30-10:30 in the evening of Tuesday, Wednesday and Fridays since it is impossible four the students to see their chaplain during the day because o classes. Traveling in the evening from Langas to these campuses is not easy. I always pray that nothing bad will happen to me whenever I visit the students. So far God has been gracious to me. I haven’t experienced any vehicular accident or even engine trouble or a flat tire in the middle of the night.

We have Masses, confessions, penitential services, spiritual counseling sessions, symposium, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Bible study and sharing sessions.

One thing I have observed, the attendance of students at     these religious exercises has increase considerably. I feel that in some way my presence has inspired the officers of CSA to perform their duties inspired the officers of CSA to perform their duties and responsibilities well.

After a few months, the Eldoret Polytechnic College was added to my concern. The CSA of Polytechnic College are happy to have a full time chaplain. I visit them on Thursdays.

One of the things that inspire me in this ministry is the interest, responsiveness and seriousness the students exude with regarded to their faith. I just hope that I would have the energy and gusto to assist them in their journey in quest for perfection.

In the Missions, what is important is our inner disposition with a sincere zeal to work for God’s Kingdom. With right motivation and disposition, I believe, we can overcome our difficulties and frustrations.