
By Sr. Nenita Derama, PDDM

Little by little I am learning to understand the people I am present to through my mission and apostolate. I cannot be like them for I am a Filipino through and through but I can be present to them in a meaningful way trying to bring to them the “Menschlichkeit”, a humanity which reminds them of the God-made-man for us.


This is precisely what I seek to radiate to those who come to our Liturgical Apostolate Center. We not only sell things- that is secondary-but above all we seek to give Jesus to women and men. Many people enter our Center not because they want to buy, but because they find it an ‘oasis’ where they can also find a welcoming heart, giving  them a bit of humanity. Many who come to our Center say, “O thank God there is such a thing in Frankfurt.” Many shops are only for money, money, but ours seeks to give also, Jesus, encouragement to the depressed, and ear to those at the margins of society.

Homeless Men

There are also homeless men who come to our Center and they are listened to and given space. They only need that little space in our hearts. I encounter many or rather some who used to be Christians but are now professing non-Christians religions or none at all; we encourage them to go back to their source or simply respect them for their conviction. Some have gone to different types of Oriental Meditation in order to seek the Truth. Being an Oriental and knowing these methods and techniques of meditation, I explain to them that these techniques reach their fullness when we meditated on the Word of Jesus, some accept that. There is one man who comes and speaks to me of Vanzavagita and I told him there are things in it that are in harmony with Christian comes and speaks to me still of Vanzavagita and Yoga but buys a crucifix or medals.

Sharing Problems

People come to our center and spontaneously share their difficulties and problem in life. The only thing I can share with them is the conviction that Jesus’ Word has power and if we allow it to work in our lives it does really work.

Sharing Brokenness

Among my greatest sources of strength in my mission are the Eucharist and the Word. That is what I can give to those I meet day after day. Thanksgiving God for the gift of my vocation, sharing the brokenness of all through my presence before the Eucharist. Thank you, Father, for everything.

Sr. Nenita Derama serves in their liturgical store in Frankfurt, Germany. This is the locus of her mission apostolate