Bishop Cornelio de Wit, MHM does not regard his title of Vicar of the Religious as a decoration but as an obligation. Hence his visit to the far flung Filipino missionaries.

 The intrepid Bishop Cornelio de Wit recently toured Papua New Guinea visiting the Filipino missionaries scattered over the vast territory. He was stunned by the work being done by Filipinos and the work which remained to be done. Here in his Christmas message he calls us to awaken.

Dear Companions in Mission,

Lack of Priests and Sisters
My eighteen days in Papua New Guinea passed by as fascinating journey through unknown country and new faces.

Again and again I was confronted with the reality of Papua New Guinea, an expanse of land and mountains with few people- difficult to reach – and a woefully inadequate number of priests and sister to properly minister to their needs.

Visiting Lonely Missionaries
At the end of my Christmas journey around Papua New Guinea one basic question remained unanswerable for me. Why did the Lord During this season of Advent, of deep longing, direct my steps to mysterious Papua New Guinea Community? For sure to visit you Priest and Sister – exponents and fruits of the faith of our Filipino people. I salute and admire you for your joyful, preserving, loving ministry to the people whom you adapted as your own. I tasted your loneliness, your moments of frustrations, your need to relate and share. Also your toughness, your prayer life and mutual support, your vital bond of solidarity. You enriched me as persons and as priest.

Star of the Wise Men
But there must be a deeper reason for my exposure to Pupa New Guinea. While traveling around the country, listening to the experiences and observing the structure and composition of the church in Papua New Guinea a beckoning light came over me as that of the star illuminating the wise Men from the East. It is this light that opened my eyes and heart to the deeper reason of my pilgrimage to Papua New Guinea.





Enter Asia
Let me share. A simple analysis of the missionary personnel in Papua New Guinea discloses an impressive shift from overwhelming Western Missionaries in numbers and the resources to growing Asian Missionary commitment. The number of so-called White missionary is fast dwindling while Missionaries from Asia are rapidly taking over and expanding the work of evangelization. During my stay I met besides the Filipino priests – MSP and Diocesan – and the 5 Filipino based Congregations of Sisters: RVM-SSJ – MCST – OND – Canossians plus SVD and Salesians Filipino’s also religious from Indonesia, India and Korea.

Now is the Hour
The Torch of Light for all the nations has passed from the Western Missionary hands and hearts to their Asian sisters and brothers in relatively recent years and with accelerating speed. Now is the hour of Asia to share its faith with all who still live in darkness of unbelief.

Asia Oh Asia
Asia, Oh Asia, be aware of your missionary responsibility, in this hour of history. A time also so crucial for your own growth towards political maturity.

Asia, Oh Asia, the life of millions of your contemporaries will be affected – for better or for worse – by those who will or will not will not send as emissaries of your faith. A faith formed in the womb of your basic Christian Communities.

Asia, Oh Asia, as we stand on the threshold of the next millennium shed whatever is still infantile in your faith, send your best women and men abroad as a light exposing the false promises of consumerism and bonding the hidden goodness of many simple people into a new community of reconciliation and sharing.

Asia, Oh Asia, why are you chosen as a vessel of election to make His name known to Gentiles and Kings (Acts. 9:15)? Is it because of your own long suffering and of your never abating poverty which has moulded and formed you as the best equipped builders of an authentic church of the poor?

Zest for Life
Is it because of the deep seated, all pervading spirit of religiosity which shines through your way of coping with the joys and sorrows of life? Is it because you are the continent of life with your millions of young people defying all prophets of doom with your irresistible zest of life?



Faithful to Being Filipino
Dear fellow missionaries, these are the feelings of my heart and the reflections of my head upon my reentry into the Philippines. My journey through Papua New Guinea although rather short, yet was a deep emotions for me. Be brave in adversities, humble when your work is fruitful and above all be fruitful to what you are: Filipino Missionary.
With my blessing and joyful greetings to each and all.

Asia, Oh Asia, be aware of your missionary responsibility, in this hour of history. A time also so crucial for your own growth towards political maturity.