“A Search for Good in the Mission of Africa”

From a Missionary Silver Jubilation

By: Sr. Julia Yap, OSB

“Lord you called us graciously to go your way,” was the verse of the song we sing twenty-five years ago when seven of us made our first profession. The above verse is still ringing in my ears now that I am preparing for my silver jubilee of profession.

Without My Father’s Consent
I might well begin this story with my simple call to the religious life which I have heard a faint voice calling to follow Him way back thirty years ago . For a time I ignore the voice, but later on I could not resist Him and ended up with my radical, “Yes O Lord, I will follow you.” A year before I entered the convent of the Missionary Benedictine  Sister of Tutzing in Manila I attended a vocation retreat which was conducted by a Jesuit father from Ateneo. He opened the eyes of my mind and the ears of my heart to listen to the call. That was a radical change of my life to leave home even without the consent of my father; to leave everything and begin my search for God.

Before Africa
Here is the short personal history of my life as a sister before I was sent  to the mission in Africa I have worked in the field of education and science such as teaching, doing research work and administrative jobs in the different levels of education from grade school to graduate school. I loved and enjoyed my work for His honor and glory.

Drastic Change
1989 was the time for uprooting from my sedentary though active life with this motto of the Benedictine, Ora et Labora. This was a drastic transplanting from the more the seven-thousand islands to the vast mountain ranges of Africa. This was like a flash  of lighting to me. In a matter of three months I had to give up my post, pack my things and leave my native land. I had first a stop over for a few months in Rome and Germany in order to learn the German language and to see the historical roots of our congregation; then I flew to Africa.

Jubilee- Still Searching
Nineteen-ninety two marked my fourth year of mission life in Africa which meant a lot of adjustment coupled with joy and sorrows, seasoned with loneliness and homesickness for my native land. All this mixed emotions and unknown feelings surfaced in myself which I dealt and processed as they came until I really reached the deep part of my real-self, the ‘me’. On May 10, 1992 was my first silver jubilee of profession which urged me to write this short reflection and let others know how deep in this search for God whom I am still seeking.


Rule of St. Benedict
At present, I am working in the school and in the formation of our young missionary Benedictine sisters. Most of my time is devoted to teaching the different academic and religious subjects. As a Benedictine I work and pray which is the motto of the congregation. Our religious life is a particular way of the living the gospel and is rooted in the Rule of St. Benedict. The fundamental characteristic of this way of life is seeking God in community through humility which unites us to God under the rule and a superior. Our common life finds expression in praying and working together, in sharing our goods both material and spiritual, in mutual service, support and encouragement.

Special Relationship
My perception is that the people whom I am working with have accepted me and I in turn am loving them. This is what we call, a symbiotic relationship.

Learning New Language
As jubilarian, it is not an easy task to shift to a new outlook in life, to do things differently, to speak and to learn new languages to accept life in its new events and happenings. I sometimes make differences to the past which needs full awareness in order to turn it about. Faith in god and self-knowing make life bearable, and relying on God’s grace and goodness makes life possible.

My purpose in life as a missionary Benedictine sister is not just to do the will of God but most of all to SEARCH FOR GOD in the mission of Africa.