Your Turn

The authors have since graduated from high school.  They mention an article in the July-August 2003 issue, written by Joy Ampiloquio. You may visit for the English-language home page of the website of the Teresian Association, to which Joy Ampiloquio belongs. We are working to have all our back issues available online.

Dear Ate Joy,

May the blessings of the Almighty God give you comfort and happiness with all the smiles in your heart. I really like your article, ‘A Late Life’, in the July-August 2003 issue of Misyon. I’m truly inspired because at an early age you already became a member of an international Catholic lay association. Upon reading your article, I realized that being a missionary is not easy. I learned many things in your article. It’s true that we must give, not ask, and we are to take advantage of every opportunity, every fitting moment, as what you wrote in your article.

I hope that you will continue your mission. I know you can change many lives. I hope that you will write more articles in Misyon. I’ll be waiting for your next article. May God bless you and guide you in doing your mission.

Your new friend, Charmaine

St Catherine’s College, Carcar, CEBU

Dear Miss Joy Ampiloquio,

When I first read your story entitled ‘A Late Life’ in Misyon, I was encouraged to do what you did. I want to form a group and share with them what I learned on how to be close to God. I believe that through this, I can thank God for all the things He has done for me. I do have a question playing in my mind. How can I do this when I’m only fifteen years old? I tried to answer my own question. Maybe, even if I’m still young, I have the ability and knowledge to teach the little youngsters on how to be close to God. In your story, you said that prayer is an important element of your faith and a source of strength. Well, maybe, I can do it too if I have great faith in God.

Thank you for giving me an idea on how to use my time efficiently and giving me inspiration. Even if I don’t know you personally, I know that in our hearts, we are one. I hope you can be my friend. I’ll keep you and your students in my prayers.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Your friend, Fatima Rose

Saint Catherine’s College,  Carcar, CEBU