Wüst Family From Germany

Dear Father Seán,

In our church community we say: ‘Guests are a blessing from God!’ We were very happy when we heard that two young people from the Philippines would stay in our house for five days. Our children Jasmin and Elisa had their school holidays and my wife and I took ours also. One of us went to every event of the ‘Days of Encounter at Limburg,’ with our ‘foster daughters’ from the Philippines. At all these events we felt the Spirit of God. It was wonderful! Together we sang spiritual songs, talked and prayed to God.  There was a great feeling of peace and harmony. We all felt as brothers and sisters. It was really wonderful.

The first evening the Filipino girls were here our daughter Elisa played ‘Monopoly’ with them. It was an evening of fun. We went to bed very late. The nicknames of our two visitors were ‘Tin Tin’ and ‘Joy.’ Every day there was a different other and at each we had this deep feeling of peace and harmony in the depths of our hearts. Those five ‘Days of Encounter at Limburg’ were for us a wonderful time. We will really miss this time of happiness and peace. We can truly say: ‘Our guests were a blessing from God!’

Sincerely yours,
Wüst Family from Germany